
Food packages for Armenia

With 15 Euros you can finance a “family package against hunger” in Armenia. Since December 2021, we have been distributing 500 packages with basic food to impoverished families. The need is there so big that we receive calls nearly every day calls, in which even more people ask for food.

Vanadzor is the third largest city in Armenia. Since the disintegration of the USSR hundreds of families, single women and children live in rusty army containers. The “Karadok”, which is lovingly called by them, is a village in the middle of the city. A collection of shabby barracks that have no insulation, let rain come trough, no sanitary facilities and only a small wooden stove for cooking and heating.

Most of the inhabitants do not have regular work and they are lacking in everything. The living conditions for many people are inhumane.

Without the monthly food ration many of these people would starve.

A food package contains: rice, sugar, noodles, oil, biscuits, chocolate, beans and also washing powder.